Friday, January 09, 2015

2015. let's do this.

It's Friday of the first week back after a 2 week winter break.  Whew!  We survived.  :)  Let's celebrate with a Farley hook-up to kick 2015 off on the right foot.

I keep up with Kardashians.  So what?  If you watch The Bachelor or Real Housewives, let me hear you.  Everybody needs an hour to zone out, right?  At least I know what fashion trends are coming before everyone else.  ;)

Thank you, Torani and World Market.  These flavored syrups are the bomb diggity.  But not the clear ones.  The bottles look like this and it's a little more saucy than liquify.  For like $6 I had pumpkin spice coffee every day.  Then peppermint bark coffee in December.  Those were seasonal flavors but they always have chocolate, white chocolate and carmel.  And some Starbucks deliciousness to your kitchen.  They're also really good on ice cream.  You're welcome.

Does anyone else start testing the week back after a really long break?!  Insane.  But it is what it is.  Let's do this.  {maybe tomorrow}

Little girl has some flu symptoms so I'm home from work today.  I love having a day home with her, I just wish she was feeling like herself!

I'm needing some perspective & an attitude adjustment.  Can I just be super honest for a second?  I loved being pregnant and husband said I was an awesome pregnant lady.  Although I liked to stop for frozen yogurt whenever we out somewhere, I never actually sent him out to get me anything, I didn't have crazy mood swings, nothing.  I was perfect.  ;)  Then after Little Glamour Baby was born, I had the normal hormonal spikes & dips but everyone said it was okay because I was hormonal and sleep deprived.  Fast forward to her first birthday and I'm still moody and just don't feel like my happy self. Everyone said it was okay because hormones can take over a year to regulate because of breastfeeding, weaning, starting birth control, etc.  {TMI? this is real life for a minute, ok?}  Fast forward to a kick-in-the-pants message about listening to the right voice as we start 2015 and I's not hormones or sleep deprivation, it's me using those as excuses.  I've turned into a bit of a princess who expects things and then gets all snippy when they don't happen.  Only treating the people badly who I love the most in life.  That's annoying.  And I don't like it.  So it's time for a change.  Peace out cynicism.  I'm back.

yes.  More thinking of others before I speak or react.  That is always a yes.

maybe.  Continuing to go through my closet to get rid of items I haven't worn in years.  Instead of just dropping things off at Goodwill, I've started looking for organizations and places that help battered women get back on their feet or help single mothers try to make a better life for their babies.  Not a total clothes evacuation, but a start.

i wish. I love my job but I love staying home.  I love my kids but I wish I could do more with the little one at home.  I love looking for or creating new ideas at school but wish I could get more done around my house.  It's a constant back-and-forth.  Maybe Shark Tank can help me figure this out.

Happy 2015 friends.  Thanks for reading.  I truly, truly mean it.  xo


  1. Goodness!! I loved reading your post! I can't wait to look around your blog more. Your personality really shines through in your writing.
    I will admit, I watched WAY too many episodes of the Kardashians over the holidays. I blame marathons! I don't usually watch but once I start, I can't stop!! :)
    I loved your paragraph about perspective. I always try to remind myself that the only thing I can control in a situation is how I react. It sure is tough sometimes but staying positive feels so good! :)
    I hope you're having a fantastic Friday!!!

  2. I am right there with you on the "I wish." For real. If you find the answer let me know.

  3. Found your blog through Farley's linky, very cute! Love the nail polish in your signature!!


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