Sunday, April 21, 2013

Little Miss Glamour is having a...

One thing I've learned is that pregnancy = listening to unsolicited advice & opinions.  Most of it I don't mind because I actually like hearing the different stories and experiences.  But the thing I've received the most criticism on is my honesty about wanting a daughter.  For my whole life, long before kids were even a realistic thought, I've had the desire to be a mom to a little girl.  I fully believe that God puts desires in our hearts but I also had to remember that just because God says He can do something, it doesn't mean it'll necessarily happen in our timing.

Needless to say, it took a loooooot of patience waiting for our 18 week ultrasound.  And I received a good bit of criticism {and judgement that I'm already a bad mom} for replacing the expected "I don't care as long as it's healthy" answer with "We'll obviously be happy either way but I would be over the moon thrilled to find out it's a girl."

So what is the result?  First, here are some pics from our party...

Everything was pink & blue themed, of course.  And I had fun comparing bellies with a few of my other preggo friends!  :)
Best surprise of the day {because I already knew what baby was} is that my AMAZING brother in-law surprised my sister & I both by flying her and my sweet nephew out for the weekend!!  I haven't seen them since Christmas so I was so so so pumped to find out they were coming.  How cute is he playing with the bubbles?!
Team Blue on top and Team Pink on the bottom.  This is a pretty accurate picture of reality.  All of the Old Wives Tales said boy.  Hubby's family has had boys as first children for at least 3 generations.  I'm carrying like a boy.  I haven't been sick.  Complete stranger women have stopped me in public to tell me that I'm having a boy.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  I was surprised there was anyone in the girl picture at all to be honest!!
Then it was time for the big reveal!  I put confetti & glitter in each of the lanterns so no peeky spying would give it away.  {A huge huge thank you to Oh Happy Day for this super fun idea.}

1...2...3...FAKE OUT!!  IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!

{That's all 4 grandparents at the bottom with tears in their eyes.  We made family history & shocked them all.  It was a super, great, fabulous moment!}

Yes, we would've been happy with a son.  We are thrilled first and foremost that our baby is healthy and are excited to jump in and plan.  We knew - before learning the gender - that this is the baby we have waited on & prayed for.  But for me, this goes beyond my love of all things girly and sparkly and is a shining moment in my life that will always point me back to God's love.  I never prayed that this baby would be a girl and prayed only for health and an overwhelming sense of joy for the mood in the doctor's office.  And she will be my purest happiness - an answer to prayer that God pulled straight from my heart because I feared it was too selfish to pray out loud. start building her shoe collection!!!  ;)


  1. Yay!!! Congrats!! Love the glitter idea!!

    Kimberly Ann

    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  2. Oh my goodness!!! Sooo sweet!!! Congrats on your little "little miss glamour"'!

  3. This is all so sweet!!! Congrats on your baby girl!! Your party looks like so much fun and so much love for everyone.

    Apples and Papers

  4. Congratulations! Love the picture of you and your preggo friends - so fun!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  5. Congrats! What a fun party!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  6. Congrats! You are the most adorable pregnant person! I'm so happy for you and your little girl. :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  7. Congratulations on your little one!!! :) I'm so happy for you guys!

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  8. Yay! So excited for you and your husband!
    Teaching in the Valley

  9. Congrats on a baby girl!
    Fun in ECSE

  10. Congratulations! This post touched my heart... I loved your sweet, genuine words... I feel the same way :) You are BLESSED! <3

  11. You are going to be a great girl is the best and so much fun!! You look great...hope you are feeling well!

  12. Congrats on a little girl!! I so want to have a gender reveal party when the time comes!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  13. Oh my goodness, congratulations!!! What a sweet and treasured time! We are trying right now, so hopefully we will join the baby club soon!!!

  14. Congratulations!!! Little girls are so much fun to dress up. :)

  15. Yay! Congratulations!!! Little girl shopping is so fun!!


  16. Congratulations!! Cute gender reveal party too! :)


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