My guided reading {readers workshop} rotation is down pat. It is the most reliable thing in my classroom.
I write the kids' names on the board so their name is in the same place every day, which eliminates a lot of "Where am I going?" when it's their center time. The shapes next to their names are my 4 groups. {I call them by shape but use the colors to match baskets or folders that differentiate the work at each center.} The picture cards are the open centers which I rotate each afternoon. {Some years I have used more than 5 centers so students don't necessarily get to them all in a given week but it also means I don't have to switch out activities as often!} Easy. Cheesy.
However {dun dun dun}, it is now the 6th week of school and my guided reading routine has changed 4 times. No joke. It is no wonder we're still trying to learn procedures...they change as soon as we get them down pat. {these are out of my control changes, FYI, not just changes in groups due to data. enter big smile here.}
think hope have decided that we finally have the schedule set. Unfortunately, it leaves me with the in the world am I ever going to remember who goes where on a which day?! Thank you, Google. Here are some ideas I've come across in case you're also looking for a way to display your reading groups. Even if they don't work perfectly for my wacko rotation, they're still great ideas and they may work for you!
Lesson Plan SOS} uses student pictures on a "Now Starring" board to remember who's in each group.
What the Teacher Wants} uses a weekly calendar to help her remember when to meet with each group.
Mrs. VanDyke} gives each group a number and rotates them each day for the students to remember where they go when.
Leaping Into Third} uses the SmartBoard. Easy to change and a big display for everyone to see!
Down Under Teacher} uses a separate poster for each group to remember where to go.
So many options! I'd like to keep something similar where the students names don't move {unless their ability group changes} but that also includes centers, my group, the TA group and the ESL on group, on days that she is with us. Also, my OCD won't allow for a big grid hanging at the front of the room. In the meantime, I'm using this chart in my binder and just calling them out. {not so efficient}
Any other ideas?? How do you organize and display your groups?!