Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving freebie & a sale...why not?!

I totally wasn't going to post anything else for Thanksgiving. Then I started planning out our 2 day week and I realized I didn't have anything brand-spanking-new this year {gasp!} and the perfectionistic teacher inside of me wasn't okay with that. So I made a few things, which turned into a few more things....which turned into a 15 page Thanksgiving Packet for you!

I posted the unit on my Facebook page this afternoon with the exclusive info that it is ON SALE {50%} until Tuesday at 9pm EST! That still gives you over 24 hours to get it for only $2. It's a 15 page unit that includes the following activities {and the Common Core standards they meet}:

counting syllables {K.RFS.2b}
making words from the letters in THANKSGIVING {K.RFS.2e}
creative writing {K.W.1 & K.W.2}
making a personal connection {K.RIT.3}
listing activities {K.L.2}
labeling a menu {K.SL.5}
graphing favorite foods {K.MD.3}
distinguishing between wants & needs {K.MD.3}
explaining how to share & think of others  {K.SL.6}
identifying symbols associated Thanksgiving {K.L.6}

PLUS the sample download is an additional 3 page game that works on number identification {K.CC.3} and recognizing color words {K.L.5} which results in a feather headdress to wear!

Happy Thanksgiving friends!  I am truly thankful for all of you!  :)


  1. Looks great! Can you believe that we have a 1/2 day on Wednesday? Your headdress activity will be a perfect way to begin our Thanksgiving weekend!

    1. Bummer! We made our pilgrim hats today and we're doing Native Americans tomorrow. Every year, all my kids remember is that the pilgrim kids had to scoop poop!! lol


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