Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Not a resolution...a life change.

I don't do New Year's resolutions.  I help my students choose a goal to set for the new year and explain what resolutions are but I figure if there's something I care about THAT much, I should decide to do it for life.  {I know that's the point of some resolutions but really, I can't seem to stretch one through February.}

My Currently link up with Farley says that my OLW is {bless} because it's about time I consistently choose to see the positive.  Not just in my life but in my community and the world around us.  No more avoiding the news because it's depressing.  If there's nothing good to focus on, we can make something good.

Over the holiday season a lot of us {myself included} were busy with family, friends and taking time off to relax, unwind and ignore we should have done.  But that also means we weren't blog stalking as frequently and I want to be sure you know about the fundraising campaign that's taking place for Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.  To participate:

*choose a percentage of your proceeds to donate
*link up on the Teachers Supporting Teachers post
*share the button on your blog, FB page, etc

By linking up you are entered to win a $20 Target gift card.  By sharing the button on your page you are entered a second time.  To link up & read more about it, go to Teachers Supporting Teachers.  Even if you're linking up now you can still fully participate from December 14 - January 14 by checking your sales in TpT.  More info on that later.

For now...on to currently.  :)
{click to zoom in}

Happy 2013!  I hope you have uncountable blessings!


  1. Hi! I found your blog through the January Currently linky party! I completely agree with you on not really being able to follow resolutions so I generally don't set them. But I'm going to give it a go this year mainly as a motivation for myself. Hopefully I'll pull through! :)

    Please check out my blog when you have the time. Have a wonderful 2013! :)

    Diary of a First Grade Teacher

  2. Heading over to check that out now! Thanks :)

    Teachery Tidbits

  3. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love the OLW bless, especially blessing others.


  4. There is nothing better than Friends reruns! Still funny everytime I watch them. Glad I found your blog through the Currently Linky! Your banner picture is adorable :)



Thanks for the comments! {like virtual hugs}