Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monthly Self-Portraits

Deanna Jump (the queen of TpT) inspired me with one of her end-of-year projects.  She has her students draw a picture of themselves each month and puts it together in a book at the end of the year.  I thought it was a super cute idea but wanted to add a writing element.  So I made a file with a picture frame outline and a place for the child to write their name.  Remember that the point isn't for it to look good, but to show progress.  So if your kindergarteners are like me and they scribble their names on their papers in August underneath a green smiley face with arms and legs sticking out from it...that's ok!!!  :)  It's all about the progress.

Click the pic for my file or see Deanna's original entries on her blog.


  1. Thank you so much for these... I was thinking I needed to make them,but yours are so much cuter! Thank you from a fellow NC teacher!

  2. We do this at my school and keep them up all year on one of our bulletin boards. It's amazing to see how the kids drawing changes over time and we keep their writing samples in a folder to be sent home at the end of the year.

  3. Oo, I like this idea! The hardest part for me would be to make a conscience effort to remember to do it monthly. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Kristen,
    Thank you for being an inspiration to me!
    I hope you go here to read this post.
    And here to pick up this award!

  5. What a great idea!! LOVE it!!


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