Monday, May 26, 2014

Blank EOY Awards {freebie}

It's almost the end of the year!!!  I truly think teaching is the only profession where you are equally happy to begin as to end.  Am I right or am I right?!  :)

Since I end up doing something different every year for our graduation/celebration/call it what you will, I'm always on the hunt for the right thing.  I couldn't find quite what I was looking for in certificates this year {or the prices were more than I was willing to pay for them} and I figured I wasn't the only one.

If you're in the same boat as me, I hope you can use these free certificates!  There are 4 backgrounds to choose from as well as 8 different kids, of various ethnicities.  You can add your own award title at the top and be as creative as you like...there are loads of ideas out there if you search.

The more I thought about it, you could really use these awards for all kinds of things!  Student of the Week, parent volunteers, student teachers finishing up their placement, character ed recognition, etc. Click either picture to get them at my TeachersPayTeachers store for free!  :)

And if you're looking for some easy time fillers as you look back over your current year and look ahead to what's next, remember to check out my EOY packet for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders!

*Please note that I am not criticizing anyone for their listing prices, as I sell products on TpT myself.  Every purchase is a personal choice of weighing cost vs. what you're getting from your purchase.  I totally support all sellers and am happy for everyone who is able to make a little money with their creations.*


  1. Thanks for these! I will definitely be using them!

  2. What a great freebie! Thanks for taking the time to create these!!! Have fun soakin' up the sun this summer!
    Short and Sassy Teacher


Thanks for the comments! {like virtual hugs}