Thursday, April 05, 2012

Easter fun.

This little man had to go in to be fixed today.  :(
It left me lonely, but also completely free to do whatever needs to be done without worrying about what was laying around or on the floor!  {read: time to fix the living room!}  When we moved into our house last summer I wanted to bring in some color but hubs wasn't so sure about my bright choices.  I decided to tone it down a little...
...aaaaand have hated it ever since.  I am not a pastel person.  {gut instincts, ladies.  stick with 'em.}  So today while hubs was at work I went a shade darker than our kitchen/dining room and can sit happily again.  I love it!
Now for what you really came for.  ;)  I realized I never shared the fun activities we did last week on the day of our Spring Party and if you're in school this week, these are some great finds!

This jelly bean data sheet from Vickie at {Mrs. Plant's Press} is actually two pages but we combined to print them on one.
It has a graph, tally chart, asks for most and least and has a blank box for students to write any sentence about their data.  It was challenging, but in a good way!
Because I need to make a crown for every occasion {or just a random Thursday} we took this ancient coloring sheet and added numerals and number words.  The kids cut the bottom half of the egg {word} from a strip on the bottom and could color after the numbers were all matched up.
Ta-da!  Fabulous Easter crown...created during math.  :)
I don't have the original sheet to share, but you could use either of these to match numerals and number words, addition sentences and sums, capital and lowercase letters, etc.  Just print any Easter picture to add on!
{from printables4kids}
This idea I can't take any credit for at all but I still had to share because it just ah-DOR-able.  {Don't you love fabulous student teachers who bring new ideas?  So refreshing!!}  I think the original idea came from Mailbox Magazine but {i heart crafty things} will walk you through it step by step.  This is so cute for a follow-up to hatching chicks.  I guess I'll have to do it next year!

Happy Easter friends!


  1. So glad you were able to use the graph!
    Love the new were right to trust your gut!
    Mrs. Plant's Press

  2. Love the life cycle egg/chicken!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. I had the green paint too and HATED it! We changed to a more neutral color:) Love your little puppy:)

  4. Hope your little man is feeling okay today. :) Love your living room!!!!

    I tagged you! :) Come on by to check it out! And have a great Easter weekend!!! :)

    1. Thanks Sandy! :) I'll repost by the end of the week!! {I already have something secret in store for tomorrow...} ;)

  5. Love your ideas! And all the!

    By the way, you have been tagged! Come on over to my blog to check out what to do next!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

    1. Thanks Jessica! I promise to respond soon...much appreciated!! :)

  6. Love your living room change! It makes me feel motiviated to get some paint on all my drab white walls.

    Your Chicken Life Cycle posters turned out so cute! Thanks for linking to my blog and leaving me a sweet comment. I am following your blog and adore your Blog Title. :)

    1. Of course! It's about sharing, not stealing, right?! ;)

  7. Kristin, I never noticed before the pink cloud on the side of your blog with the cute Cinderella saying! It's so true! :) I am the pickiest person with shoes and have to shop at DSW. I like heels, but they have to be stylish AND comfortable. Oh, and affordable. What about you?

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT

    1. Haha! Oh Sharon, I never turn down a pair of cute heels! I mean, sometimes my bank account does, but that's a different story... ;) Yes, I saw that button and thought it was just too appropriate! Thanks for being a faithful follower!!

  8. Oops! I made a mistake on the first comment I left, sorry! I love your new paint color. What a difference it made.
    Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the comments! {like virtual hugs}